Moms of Pre-schoolers are great and the Moms at Hlldale Baptist Church in Clarksville, TN proved that on Friday. (Feb. 17) They have great coordinators and great mentor Moms.
Judy--mentor Mom, Heather--coordinator, "me", Diane-- coordinator, and Judy--mentor Mom.
Our 2 Judys are great Titus 2 women. Young women need mentors and each of us is an "older woman" to somebody! Read Titus 2:3-5. Now, are there any young (younger..) women who need you to be their Titus 2 woman??
What would a MOPS meeting be without food?? Heather did a great job seeing that the tables were attractive and inviting!
And everybody got something good to eat, Molly made sure of that. It may not have been the delicious casseroles, fruit, and desserts, but when you gotta eat, you gotta eat!!
And then it came time for me to do one of my most favorite things in all the world to do: encourage young Moms.
And everyone was so attentive!!!
It was a great day; new friendships were formed and I am very blest to have spent the morning with this great group of MOPS MOMS!!
Then my driver came to pick me up. We had lunch, stopped by the Mall, and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon together. (It was 56 degrees!!)
Thanks Hilldale MOPS for a great day and one I won't soon forget!! Penny
The pictures are great! Thank you for sharing such a good message with us.