Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Measure of Faith

Doubt is such a terrible thing. Whether it was doubt expressed by the Israelites when Joshua and Caleb returned from spying out the Promised Land, the doubt of the rich young ruler, or my doubt that God's promise is for me, doubt is defeat for the believer and victory for the enemy of my soul and it is a terrible thing.

I confess, I have doubted, and not just once. I tend to lean toward the premise that what can go wrong will. But in the last few years I have recognized what my doubt is really doing; it creates a spiritual wall between  God and me and prevents the answers to my prayers and the intimacy with my Heavenly Father that I so long for.

One day last spring I experienced the provision of God after a long season of doubt and it left me in such a state of awe that still amazes me today and replaced my doubt with belief. This is an entry in my journal and a poem I wrote about that experience:

"The Lord provided yesterday in a surprising way. I am still awed this morning. Oh how I love Him. Oh how thankful I am for my Jehovah Jireh. He is my provider, He is my everything."

When I Thought He Couldn't         4-25-19

Just when I thought He couldn't, He did
Just when I thought He wouldn't, He did
Just when I doubted, cried and complained
When all I could do was to call out His name,
say, "Oh it's impossible, I am to blame"
Just when I thought, "Not this time." He did.

If you have doubts that God will keep His promise, answer your prayer, or do what He says he will do, you are not alone. The men and women of the Old and New Testament had their doubts from time to time as well. But when we recognize that what is missing from our doubt is faith, and when we realize that it is God who provides the "measure of faith" (Romans 12:3) we need to believe, well....that literally changes everything.

God is faithful. He Loves you. He can. He will. He has given you the measure of faith to believe His promises. He will never fail you.


Thursday, July 18, 2019

God is Able

God is able. No matter what your situation may look like, no matter what you have been told, God is able. Ephesians 3:20; God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us.

Are you lonely this morning? God is able to comfort you and give you companionship.
Are your finances pulling you under? God is able to supply your need.
Hungry? God is able to feed you.
Afraid? God is able to protect you.
Is your marriage falling apart? God is able to restore love and your broken marriage.
Are you sick? God is able to heal you. He is our Jehovah Rapha.
Are your children in trouble and away from God? God is able to draw them back.
Are you anxious for the days ahead? God is able to control the future.
Is your heart burdened with a deep desire that you haven't shared with anyone? God is able. He knows your heart and He is able to give you your deepest desire.

Trust in His promise, believe with all your heart that He is able. Don't quit, don't give up.
God is able.


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

My Remembrance Book

I am a fan of Little House on the Prairie. Each Monday night at 7:00 my little boys and I would sit in front of our big ole box tv and watch as the writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder played out on that screen. Most Monday nights David was working and each fall and winter when a new episode aired I made sure homework was done, baths were over, the popcorn popped and we were ready for each new adventure. Of course I had read every single book she'd written and even though most episodes weren't actually in the book, the theme was the same each week; good wins. In the very first episode of the tv show, and in the opening page of her first book, Laura says, "If I had a remembrance book."

In a recent conversation with a friend, she shared the very real struggle she was having with depression and anxiety. As a woman I could relate. Studies show that women are more prone to suffer depression and anxiety than men, and while I am certainly not qualified to speak from a  clinical perspective, I want to share with you something that helps me when I feel myself slipping into that dark pit of self absorption and lies of the enemy; my remembrance book.

I have loved writing since I was a little girl and for most of my adult life I have kept a daily journal. I also love to keep a journal of my daily Bible readings and even writing down on paper my prayers. But I have one special arrangement of writings that reminds me of God's love, His mercy, His faithfulness, His goodness, and the truth of who I am in Christ. It is my remembrance book and it has truly been light in the darkness, my shelter in the storm, because it is God's perspective of me.

You see, for me, a remembrance book cannot be written in the dark; it can only be written in the light. So I prepare for the dark, while I am in the light. So how do you make your own remembrance book? Today, begin remembering the good things, and writing them down. It's good to put a date beside them if you can. Write a scripture with a promise, write what you feel the scripture is speaking into your life, write about a special memory, a fun adventure, those you love. While you are in the light, look for God's activity in your life and your family. Look for the little things like a sunset, your granddaughter's laughter, a gift from your son, a dinner with your husband, a special hymn that touched you deeply. The point is....remember something good, then write it down because when the darkness comes, it's hard to remember the good times of the light. And when the fear, the dread, the depressing thoughts come to your mind, get your remembrance book and begin to read.

Many times in the scriptures God encourages us to remember the good. In Genesis 9:13 God gave Noah a rainbow to help him remember His promise not to destroy the world again by a flood. When we observe the Lord's Supper we are to  remember what Jesus did for us on the cross. The most important memory anyone can have is when she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. And each time I remember the good, the darkness is beaten back just a little bit farther because nothing dark can exist in the light.

This is by no means the answer to all forms of depression or anxiety. It is simply something that helps me keep a balance in my thinking. Remember the good, write it down, choose to read it when you feel the dark creeping in. Laura Ingalls Wilder had no idea that her remembrance book would have such an impact on the literary world. What could your remembrance book do for you and maybe others?


One of my "Remembrance" books.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What Are The Consequences?

The day began well. The sun was brightly shining, the air was warm and I had big plans to fill my flower pots with beautiful, colorful flowers and enjoy a day on the patio reading and writing. I love May in Kentucky and I read a statement many years ago that I recite each May; there is no place like Kentucky in May. This was one of those May mornings in Kentucky that make the long, gray winter worth the wait. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, I had a decision to make about something and without thinking any further than the moment, I hurriedly decided to.........

Have you done that?  I knew better than to be so hasty in my decision. I knew to pray, think it through, weigh all the options, even chuck my pride and ask advice from someone much wiser than me..Oh how many times I have said, "If only I could go back and do that differently." And for the zillioneth time I was reminded that every decision has a consequence. Every word, every action, even our very thoughts have consequences.

As a Mom I tried to prepare my children for the consequences of their decisions. I often reminded them that they were responsible for their actions and words. I often cautioned them to think about what the consequences might be if they don't do their homework? What will the consequences be if you drive too fast, or if you drink alcohol? And what might be the consequences of choosing the wrong friends or the wrong wife?

The Bible has much to say about making a wise decision and thinking ahead to what the consequences might be for the right decision and even for the wrong one. So today I simply encourage you to:

1. Think it through. Ask God daily for wisdom and spiritual discernment, and when the time comes to make that quick decision, the Holy Spirit has already been preparing your heart and mind with "the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16.

2. Ask the tough question: what are some consequences if I do this? Who could be hurt?

3. Fast and pray. There will be many decisions we will be called to make that are minor in nature; what to have for dinner, which color looks best on me, should I go to the gym today? Then there are those decisions that have big consequences. In Matthew 17 a man had brought his epileptic son to the disciples for healing, but they could not heal the boy. The father then brought him to Jesus and asked Jesus to heal his son, stating that he had brought his boy to the disciples, but they were unable to heal him. Jesus healed the man's son and the disciples asked Jesus why they could not heal him. Jesus replied, " This miracle could only be done after you have fasted and prayed." (my paraphrase) I believe Jesus had been fasting and when He added His prayer to His fast, a miracle occurred. Making the right decision in a critical situation demands something from us; something that shows God we mean business, we are serious and fasting says to God what our prayers alone cannot.
Often we are compelled to make a quick decision and there is no time to fast; my son chooses one specific day each week to fast his lunch and pray. The disciples did not have time to fast, the man's son needed healing at that moment. But if they had been fasting regularly they would have been "fasted and ready" to pray for a miracle.

I was able, with God's help, to "fix" my decision that May day. The consequences were not as bad as they could have been. Maybe you're waiting on the results of your consequences; while you wait ask God to do what I often ask Him: "Lord, subdue the consequences of my sins." This is biblical and I have seen Him work on my behalf to lessen the consequences, while still teaching me the lesson.

Even if you aren't in Kentucky, enjoy this beautiful May day; think through your decisions, ask some tough questions even when you don't like the answers, and learn the spiritual power of fasting and praying. God will help you through it, I know He will because He helps me.
