Saturday, August 4, 2018

Jehovah Shalom: God of my Peace

My younger grandchildren love the tv show Peppa Pig. And one of the songs Peppa and her family sing is: Peace and harmony. Peace and harmony. And as a family of 16 David and I enjoy those times when we all get together here at our house and there is "peace and harmony." a large family with grandchildren, ministries, strong wills, lots of opinions, lots of noise, lots of advice flowing freely, well, you know what I mean. David and I pray that peace and harmony will always co-exist in our home.

The Jewish word for peace is Shalom. I love that Hebrew word and I love to hear it spoken. When the Jews prayed for peace they would address God as Jehovah Shalom: God of my peace. Maybe today you are experiencing a lack of peace about something in your life. Maybe it is in your marriage. Maybe one of your kids is doing something or....not doing something that causes you to feel a lack of peace. Maybe your job isn't going so well or maybe your health or finances has robbed you of that peaceful feeling in your heart and you find yourself actually dreading the day. Well ladies, the same God of peace that the Hebrews called out to in their times of stress and trouble is the same Jehovah Shalom that you and I can call upon to make things right in our life and restore our peace.

In Ephesians 2:14 Paul reminded the Ephesians and us that Jesus is our peace. No matter what is going on around me, when I speak the name of Jesus in my heart, or if possible, aloud, I begin to sense His peace and His presence. His name calms me as nothing else can: it is my shelter in the storm, the place I run to when I am afraid, confused, stressed. In Isaiah 9:6 He is called the Prince of Peace and He preached "the gospel of peace." The four gospels are filled with peace and reconciliation because Jesus came to bring peace between us and God and it is His peace that reconciles people to Himself.

So ladies, the next time the stresses and pressures of your life steal your peace, pray Ephesians 2:14 back to God: Jesus you are my peace; You are Jehovah Shalom. Jesus, give me your peace today.

Peace and harmony are only One word away: Jesus.
