Friday, March 7, 2025

God Hears You


God Hears You

Everyone needs to feel we are heard. Children need to know Mom and Dad hear them, that they listen when they speak. Husbands need to feel heard by their wives and wives need to know that their husband really hears them, he really listens. As God's child I need to know that God hears me, too, and He does!

In 1 Samuel 23, David and his men are on the run from King Saul. Verse 14 says that "Saul sought him every day." Saul was consumed with David. He thought about him continually and I think he probably dreamed about him at night and talked about him all day. 

I can't even imagine what it must have been like to begin each day fearful. To try to sleep at night fearful for his very life and the lives of his family and friends, but he did. David was afraid.

There have been times I have been afraid. Very afraid. But did you know that God has a purpose for our fear? He does. He had a purpose for David's fear and in Psalm 54 David wrote about his need to be heard by God. In verse 2 David said, "Hear my prayer O God, give ear to the words of my mouth."

Fear prompts me to recognize my dependence upon God. What is your fear today? Your health, your marriage, your children, your job? Fear is a common denominator in each of us, we all experience it, often daily. But fear will turn into praise when I confess, "Lord, I am depending on You, I trust You to hear me and to listen to my prayer. I know You will." 

I encourage you to read the rest of Psalm 54: David's fear turned into hope, trust, faith, and a dependence on God he had never experienced before. 

In verse 4 David said, "God is my Helper."

Verse 6: "I will praise Your name O Lord, for it is good."

Verse 7: "For God has delivered me out of all trouble."

Depend upon God today. Trust Him, believe Him, God hears you.
