Tuesday, March 19, 2024

 Jehovah Roi--God Sees Me

In Genesis 16:7-13, Hagar, Sarah's servant is expecting Abraham's first child. Hagar has become defiant, Sarah has to deal with the problem, and Hagar has run away. As she is sitting alone in a desert place, she hears the voice of the Angel of the Lord and he said, "Hagar, go back home to Sarah and submit to her." He then tells her she will have a son, he will become a prosperous man, and his name will be Ishmael. In v13, Hagar says this: "God sees me." 

Jehovah Roi is the Hebrew name for The God Who Sees Me. Today you may feel invisible. You may feel no one sees you, no one hears you, no one understands you, not even your husband or your closest friend. But Jehovah Roi sees you. He understands you and you are important to Him. You are never alone, you are never "unseen."

If you know someone who is suffering from lonliness and feeling "unseen" please share this post with her and let her know that The God Who Sees, sees her.
