Monday, June 24, 2024

Standing/Sleeping on the Promises of God

Have you ever been so tired you could hardly hold your eyes open, then you get in bed and your mind starts racing, you relive the events of the day and wish you had done things differently, or you feel anxious about the next day or even week and you just can't fall asleep? I hear this so often from women and many nights I have experienced it too. We watch the clock, our body is tired, but we just can't turn off our mind.

In Acts 12, Peter is in prison, in chains, and the church was praying "without ceasing" for him. (v5). His angel entered the prison, unaware to the guards and other prisoners, and had to shake Peter to wake him up. How could Peter sleep so soundly when he was possibly facing execution the next day? Because Jesus had promised him in John 21:18 that he would live to be an old man, and Peter believed Jesus. He was not worried about what might happen the next day because he didn't see his circumstances, he saw the promise.

What has God promised you? The only way you can know is to read and study His word. And each time you read a promise, write it down, meditate on it, memorize it, believe it. Here are 5 to get you started:

1. God never changes. Malachi 3:6.

2. God will forgive your sins. 1 John 1:9.

3. He will save you and give you a home in heaven. 2 Corinthians 5:1.

4. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5-6.

5. He loves you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3.

What if you and I believed every promise and lived out our lives knowing that He will keep each one? A life of faith is simply this; living each day knowing I can sleep/rest soundly on the pillow of His promises. As the old hymn reminds us, "I'm Standing/Sleeping on the Promises of God." Sleep well tonight. God will keep His word; He will keep each promise.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

 Jehovah Roi--God Sees Me

In Genesis 16:7-13, Hagar, Sarah's servant is expecting Abraham's first child. Hagar has become defiant, Sarah has to deal with the problem, and Hagar has run away. As she is sitting alone in a desert place, she hears the voice of the Angel of the Lord and he said, "Hagar, go back home to Sarah and submit to her." He then tells her she will have a son, he will become a prosperous man, and his name will be Ishmael. In v13, Hagar says this: "God sees me." 

Jehovah Roi is the Hebrew name for The God Who Sees Me. Today you may feel invisible. You may feel no one sees you, no one hears you, no one understands you, not even your husband or your closest friend. But Jehovah Roi sees you. He understands you and you are important to Him. You are never alone, you are never "unseen."

If you know someone who is suffering from lonliness and feeling "unseen" please share this post with her and let her know that The God Who Sees, sees her.
