Doubt is such a terrible thing. Whether it was doubt expressed by the Israelites when Joshua and Caleb returned from spying out the Promised Land, the doubt of the rich young ruler, or my doubt that God's promise is for me, doubt is defeat for the believer and victory for the enemy of my soul and it is a terrible thing.
I confess, I have doubted, and not just once. I tend to lean toward the premise that what can go wrong will. But in the last few years I have recognized what my doubt is really doing; it creates a spiritual wall between God and me and prevents the answers to my prayers and the intimacy with my Heavenly Father that I so long for.
One day last spring I experienced the provision of God after a long season of doubt and it left me in such a state of awe that still amazes me today and replaced my doubt with belief. This is an entry in my journal and a poem I wrote about that experience:
"The Lord provided yesterday in a surprising way. I am still awed this morning. Oh how I love Him. Oh how thankful I am for my Jehovah Jireh. He is my provider, He is my everything."
When I Thought He Couldn't 4-25-19
Just when I thought He couldn't, He did
Just when I thought He wouldn't, He did
Just when I doubted, cried and complained
When all I could do was to call out His name,
say, "Oh it's impossible, I am to blame"
Just when I thought, "Not this time." He did.
If you have doubts that God will keep His promise, answer your prayer, or do what He says he will do, you are not alone. The men and women of the Old and New Testament had their doubts from time to time as well. But when we recognize that what is missing from our doubt is faith, and when we realize that it is God who provides the "measure of faith" (Romans 12:3) we need to believe, well....that literally changes everything.
God is faithful. He Loves you. He can. He will. He has given you the measure of faith to believe His promises. He will never fail you.