Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What Are The Consequences?

The day began well. The sun was brightly shining, the air was warm and I had big plans to fill my flower pots with beautiful, colorful flowers and enjoy a day on the patio reading and writing. I love May in Kentucky and I read a statement many years ago that I recite each May; there is no place like Kentucky in May. This was one of those May mornings in Kentucky that make the long, gray winter worth the wait. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, I had a decision to make about something and without thinking any further than the moment, I hurriedly decided to.........

Have you done that?  I knew better than to be so hasty in my decision. I knew to pray, think it through, weigh all the options, even chuck my pride and ask advice from someone much wiser than me..Oh how many times I have said, "If only I could go back and do that differently." And for the zillioneth time I was reminded that every decision has a consequence. Every word, every action, even our very thoughts have consequences.

As a Mom I tried to prepare my children for the consequences of their decisions. I often reminded them that they were responsible for their actions and words. I often cautioned them to think about what the consequences might be if they don't do their homework? What will the consequences be if you drive too fast, or if you drink alcohol? And what might be the consequences of choosing the wrong friends or the wrong wife?

The Bible has much to say about making a wise decision and thinking ahead to what the consequences might be for the right decision and even for the wrong one. So today I simply encourage you to:

1. Think it through. Ask God daily for wisdom and spiritual discernment, and when the time comes to make that quick decision, the Holy Spirit has already been preparing your heart and mind with "the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16.

2. Ask the tough question: what are some consequences if I do this? Who could be hurt?

3. Fast and pray. There will be many decisions we will be called to make that are minor in nature; what to have for dinner, which color looks best on me, should I go to the gym today? Then there are those decisions that have big consequences. In Matthew 17 a man had brought his epileptic son to the disciples for healing, but they could not heal the boy. The father then brought him to Jesus and asked Jesus to heal his son, stating that he had brought his boy to the disciples, but they were unable to heal him. Jesus healed the man's son and the disciples asked Jesus why they could not heal him. Jesus replied, " This miracle could only be done after you have fasted and prayed." (my paraphrase) I believe Jesus had been fasting and when He added His prayer to His fast, a miracle occurred. Making the right decision in a critical situation demands something from us; something that shows God we mean business, we are serious and fasting says to God what our prayers alone cannot.
Often we are compelled to make a quick decision and there is no time to fast; my son chooses one specific day each week to fast his lunch and pray. The disciples did not have time to fast, the man's son needed healing at that moment. But if they had been fasting regularly they would have been "fasted and ready" to pray for a miracle.

I was able, with God's help, to "fix" my decision that May day. The consequences were not as bad as they could have been. Maybe you're waiting on the results of your consequences; while you wait ask God to do what I often ask Him: "Lord, subdue the consequences of my sins." This is biblical and I have seen Him work on my behalf to lessen the consequences, while still teaching me the lesson.

Even if you aren't in Kentucky, enjoy this beautiful May day; think through your decisions, ask some tough questions even when you don't like the answers, and learn the spiritual power of fasting and praying. God will help you through it, I know He will because He helps me.
