This past Sunday David and I, along with our son Jeff and his family had the privilege of worshipping with our son Kyle and his church in Cadiz, Ky. My spirit was refreshed as I listened to Kyle's message and I was reminded again that God delights in giving His people "new beginnings."
As many of you have shared with me in the last few weeks, "2018 has been a very difficult year." I cannot remember when David and I and our family have faced so many battles, but we have also seen God's faithfulness in each and everyone. And today, December 31, 2018, as I look back over this last year I can only stand amazed at His mercy, His faithfulness, His goodness.
Lamentations 3: 21-25;
This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. It is because of God's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion says my soul, therefore will I hope in Him. The Lord is good unto those who wait for Him, to the soul that seeks Him.
2019 will hold many things for all of us, but this one thing I know and am assured of; God is sovereign over all His creation. That means absolutely nothing can enter our lives unless He allows it and if He allows it, it is something He can and will use for our good and His glory.
In his message Kyle encouraged us to commit to four things for 2019;
1. Read the Bible everyday.
The word of God is powerful, it is alive, it will direct us, change us, convict us, love us, help us.
2019 will be a year of much wisdom when we read and apply His word.
2. Share your faith.
We all know someone who is lost. Invite them to come to church with you. Tell them about when you were saved and then share the Roman's Road with them.
3. Grow closer to your church family.
Be faithful to each service. Reach out to those you don't usually fellowship with or know well. Commit to knowing your church.
4. Give more.
Whether it be more money, time, effort, prayer and study, love, mercy, compassion, kindness, goodness, praise, just give a little more.
Thank you so much for your love and support of the blog. I enjoy hearing from you. May 2019 be your best year ever and with love and hope I say, "Happy New Year. God bless you. God be magnified and glorified and exalted. And may this be the year that Jesus returns for His bride, His church."
Your new beginning is about to begin.