Finally it is May in Kentucky and there is no place like Kentucky in May. When it is May, I can relax and know that winter is over and it is finally spring. May means flowers and lots of green stuff. May means rain, thunder, lightening, and Mother's Day. And Mother's Day can bring out deep emotions. As a young Mom I always felt like I needed to be "doing" more, "teaching" more, "being" more. And even though I failed many times and made a ton of mistakes, and even though I couldn't give my kids everything they wanted, I am so thankful that I could give my kids a Christian Mom.
A few years ago I was asked to speak at a Mother's Day event in Gallatin, Tn, and the lady who was chairing the event asked me to speak on this subject; Why is it Important For Every Mom to be a Christian Mom? And since that is a topic that is near and dear to my heart, I readily accepted the challenge.
You see, I believe that we can't be the Mom we need to be to our kids without the Lord Jesus Christ, and before we can have Him actively guiding us in this lifelong journey of motherhood, we must first accept Him as our Savior.
So here they are: 4 reasons why I believe every Mom should be a Christian Mom.
1. Only a Christian Mom can pray for her kids and be heard by God.
I know this might upset some, but it is still true; we cannot pray effectively for our kids unless we know God intimately through a relationship with His Son Jesus Christ. I cannot imagine raising kids, staying committed in our marriages and facing all the ups and downs of life without Christ. He is my Sustainer, He is my Strength, He is my Everything. As a Christian Mom I can talk to Him about all things big and small and know He hears me; the only prayer for an unbeliever is, "Lord, be merciful to me a sinner." Kids desperately need a Mom who can pray for them, and only Christian Moms can pray for their kids.
2. Only a Christian Mom can get her child rearing convictions from God's Word.
Raising good kids is tough. We compete with worldly influences that threaten to erode the very fabric of our family and society. But when Mom is a Christian Mom, she has the Holy Spirit residing within her and as she reads her Bible, as she prays, He is continually speaking to her heart and giving her those convictions that will influence how she raises her children. Kids need a Mom with strong convictions from God's Word.
3. A Christian Mom can give her child a biblical worldview.
I know this is blunt, but here it it; I am so sick and tired of a world view that leaves out God and His perspective. Israel is the apple of God's eye, (Zech. 2:8) He blesses those who bless Israel, (Genesis 12:1-3) and He promises to prosper those who love Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)
And that's our biblical perspective. Nothing can change that. To have a biblical worldview means we view Israel and all world events from what God tells us in His Word. It is also treating others the way we want to be treated, treating others with respect and fairness, loving the unlovable and being the hands and feet of Jesus in this sin cursed world. It means we're honest and trustworthy and we follow the example Jesus lived for us while He walked this earth. Sometimes it means we point out the discrepancies in the newscasts. Sometimes we speak out against a worldly perspective and it often means we stand against the culture. But the point is, we make sure we have a biblical world perspective ourselves, and then we give our kids a biblical worldview.
4. A Christian Mom sets high standards and encourages her children to reach their God-given potential.
Dr. Charles Stanley often reminds us of this: look your best, do your best, be your best.
When we encourage our kids in those 3 areas of life, we are giving them the tools they need for success and putting them in a position to receive God's blessings and calling upon their lives. Set the bar high for yourself Mom; expect great things from your kids. Let them see you looking your best, doing your best, being your best. Be the Mom who encourages her children to reach their God-given potential.
There is so much more I could add, and we may touch on them another time, but just know this: as a Mom, you have the highest of all callings in life. You influence the next generation and oh how we need Christian Moms doing some influencing for God. As a Christian Mom you have God's ear and you have His heart. He wants you to succeed and He wants your kids to "rise up and call you blessed." Proverbs 31:28.
But here is the best news of all; Christian Moms don't have to go it alone; only Christian Moms are guided by a loving, kind, holy Heavenly Father Who is on your side and who is cheering you on. He understands you, He knows your heart.
Oh I believe every Mom should be a Christian Mom and today if you are not, you can be:
Admit you are a sinner. Romans 3:23.
Ask God to forgive you of your sins and ask Jesus to save you. Romans 10: 9,10:
If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, You WILL be saved, With the heart, people believe unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Believe Jesus...receive Jesus.
Romans 10:13: For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
I'd love to hear from you.
Happy Mother's Day